
Heer WP Maintain recommend Wordfence – the leading security plugin for WordPress
February 23, 2023

Heer WP Maintain install Wordfence and Ithemes security plugins for every subscriber to our service. Wordfence and Ithemes are the leading web security platforms for WordPress that provide powerful protection against malicious attackers and malware. They offer a wide range of features to protect websites and their users from threats.

Wordfence is renowned for its robust security measures and reliable protection against malicious attacks.

Here are some of the key features of Wordfence security.

Website Firewall: Wordfence has a powerful website firewall that blocks malicious traffic and stops malicious content and code from entering your website. It also scans for malware, malicious scripts, and malicious files that could be used to exploit your website.

Malware Scanning: Wordfence scans for malicious code and malware, and it also monitors for changes to your website’s code. It will alert you if it detects any malicious code or malware on your website.

Two Factor Authentication: Wordfence provides two factor authentication to add an extra layer of security to your website. Two factor authentication requires users to provide two pieces of information before they can access your website. This ensures that only authorized users can access your website.

IP Blacklisting: Wordfence can block malicious IP addresses and block malicious traffic from accessing your website. It also monitors for suspicious activity and can block IP addresses

Wordfence provides valuable protection – sign-up today to secure your website.